Saturday 10 January 2009

Days 9 and 10

Day 9:
Time of day 12:52
Distance: 3.00mi
Times: 24:16 total, 8m05 average (8m04, 8m20, 7m51)
HR: 166bpm av, 177bpm max

I'm not going to write much about yesterday (Friday, day 9). I didn't want to go out for a run at lunch at work, but I knew I'd have to go in the evening if I didn't, and I wanted that even less. It was a rubbish run - absolute crap. I didn't want to do any of the routes I'd done (primarily 'cause I didn't want to run), and I just ended up with a poor route that ended too early and meant I had to run up and down a road a bit. I was just glad to get it over with.

Day 10:
Time of day: 18:43
Distance: 3.15mi
Times: 23:37 total, 7m31 average (7m27, 7m31, 7m43, 6m35) :-)
HR: 171bpm av, 185bpm max

WHAT A RUN! Didn't want to go out again (this is getting to be the norm!), and wore a knee bandage on my left knee so it didn't hurt at all. Problem was, it kept falling down so I ended up stopping at 0.5mi and taking it off. It was funny really, as I tried to get it off over my shoe and it wouldn't fit, so I took my shoe off (which meant undoing the laces), then when I was putting my shoe back on I tied the laced up and included my gloved in the knot, so I swore a bit, threw the gloves down, tied the lace, put the gloves back on and finally got going again. When I stopped, my average was 7m45 as I'd stopped a few times to pull the bandage up. When I got to mile 1 the averge was 7m31, so I'd really zipped that last bit!

Mile 2 was good as well - I was chuffed with the speed of mile 1. Nothing hurt, and I was running well. The end of mile 2 was up hill and I slowed down a bit, but it still felt good - like I has something left to go faster if I wanted.

Mile 3 just flew past - with one slight hiccup. I got back home all chuffed, and then noticed I'd only done 2.84 miles! It didn't really matter too much - I just pegged it round the little block near my house and got back at 3.15mi.

One great thing about this combination of running and blogging is that you spend at least part of the run writing your blog in your head! Then, when you have a good run, you totally forget what you were going to write! Oh well, it might come back to me later.

I do have a problem at the moment - my left calf/tibia area is hurting quite a lot after this run. It's getting progressively worse and hurts a little at the start of a run and more at the end, and tends to be a problem going down stairs when I'm not running. I'm just contemplating sitting in a cold bath for 10 minutes, but it's 0C outside and the bath water is going to be, well... f**king cold! I'm not sure I'll be able to have any more children after that (but, thinking about it, that would save the cost of an operation...!)

Right then, got to go and sort out dinner etc and revel in the glow of my run! I think I'll either have to go early tomorrow morning or late in the evening - either way it's not going to be much fun, so I'll enjoy this good feeling now.

That's it then, apart from saying that my slightly insane sister is also doing this January running thing, and her blog is Here. I'll have to tell you all about her running history, but I'll do that later (suffice to say, for now, that she's done 25 marathons, the last 3 in 3 days over the somewhat hilly Jurassic Coast!). She's my inspiration for running, and always keeps me going when I don't feel like doing it.

jusqu'à demain...

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