Friday 23 January 2009

Day 21 - Wednesday

I'm being a bit naughty and getting behind with my blogging, so I need to catch up a bit. It's Friday today, so I need to tell you about Wednesday and Thursday...

Wednesday's was actually a decent run. It didn't feel great to start, and I thought I was going really slowly as I had been the last few days before, but I reached mile 1 at about 7m40. This always gives me incentive to run faster if I'm not feeling knackered, so I carried on at a fair pace (around 7m45 for mile 2), and finished with a belting 7m32! I stopped at exactly 3 miles as I'm still trying to be careful with my leg - it still feels a little uncomfortable to run on so I shouldn't push too hard, but it's holding up at the moment and not hurting afterwards or too much during a run.

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