Tuesday 27 January 2009

Day 26

Hmmm. My newly learnt thing was that I seem to have one day of good running then one day of bad. It wasn't good yesterday, so it follows today should be good.

Well, it wasn't. I went out the house at exactly the time the road was filled with kicked out secondary school kids, so I had to look like I knew what I was doing. I ran up the hill and round the corner... and almost collapsed when out of view (having just done the quarter mile at around 6 minute mile pace!). Bad start - from then on I felt like I was running really slowly, and I couldn't seem to cope with any uphills. I ended up walking about half a mile or so in the middle up a hill, then running the last mile back home a slightly longer route.

The pace wasn't bad - 7m40 ish - but it was cheating really with that big gap in the middle.

To be honest, I think I'm getting a bit fed up with the 3 mile requirement. I need some mental stimulation in this, and I'm looking forward to doing some 6+ mile runs and getting back to doing intervals. I'm bored stiff of most of the routes I do as they never change when you're just plodding round. Maybe for todays run (I'm writing this on Tuesday) I'll drive down to the sports centre and run up the Castleman Trailway and back - that's the site of my previous best of 7m01/mile average over 3 miles (non-stop). Yeah, I might do that - the thought of a hard session is actually getting me wanting to get out the door. Right, I'm going to get a drink and try and get out soon...

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