Saturday 17 January 2009

Day 17 - The Wrong Leg?

Time of Day: 18:44
Distance: 3.00mi
Speed: Average 8m10 (7m48, 8m49, 7m57)
HR: 160bpm av, 174bpm max

I had the weirdest thought at the start of my run. I left the house, turned to run up the hill and about 10 seconds into it my heart sank as I thought I must have the wrong leg on. It was a totally genuine thought - like having put the wrong pair of trainers on, and the annoyance at having to go back and change them over. You see, I got 10 seconds into my run, and it felt strange because there was no pain, no discomfort, nothing - just a totally normal leg :-)

I started feeling it after another 10 seconds, but that was such a massive boost for me! I think I'm nearly through this "broken" phase and I'm sure that inside of another week I can get back to making something of these remaining 2 weeks. I'm really happy at the moment.

Speed was coming back a little as well - it was very windy in one direction and I picked a route with a lot of nasty uphills in (primarily 'cause it was undulating and had a lot of downhill in as well), but the miles times were fairly good (the middle one was the hilly one).

I'm writing this as a lovely looking and smelling Thai Curry is bubbling away in a wok on the stove, made by my fair hand! I shall enjoy that tonight, along with the sound of the wind and rain that I managed to mostly avoid. And I can sit and revel in the joy of my leg getting better. Yippeee!

So, dinner, lots of massaging of the calf muscles, a bit of icing and some rest, then out again tomorrow morning (probably not avoiding the rain etc this time) to get Sundays over and done with.

There's only 14 more runs left - I'm actually starting to feel slightly sad about the end of this experiment. It's turning into quite a friend - I know where I stand, what's expected of me, and overall I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I told myself that in the last week of January, I have to think of my task for February (as well as looking after a new-born, due on the 18th Feb!). Something to think about later, I guess...

P.S. I got my camera back today, and it's all mended! :-)

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