Tuesday 6 January 2009

Day 6 - Tuesday

Time (of day): 12:45
Distance: 3.07mi
Time: 24:32 (7m59 average, mile (or part mile) times: 7m38, 8m20, 8m03, 7m15)
Heart rate: 166bpm average, 181bpm max

Just got back from this run, and wrote yesterdays blog entry as I didn't have time then!

The weather is cold outside - it was -1C when I started. It didn't feel as cold as the last few days as there's nice sunshine out and about - I still had my gloves off by about mile 2. On the common area near work where I spent half my time running, the tracks were covered in frosty snow - a very thin layer that's been there for a few days but has frozen enough to stick around. It's nice running on that as it's not slippery but it's something different!

I must admit, I feel knackered today. I woke up this morning and felt really, really tired. But the thing about this running "challenge" is that I feel like if I can't do anything else in the day I must... no, want to do the running. I may be starting to get properly addicted to this!

The run today was fairly slow (although that first mile looks faster - I thought I was plodding along like an OAP!), but I didn't feel too exhausted during any of it. I'm hoping that I might be starting to get used to this, although it still feels a bit early for that - I was expecting about 2 weeks before my body decided to join in properly.

So, it's a nice gentle run again tomorrow, then out on Thursday evening with a regular running friend when I'll probably run 6 miles or so. For now, I must disappear to take an amino-acid supplement horse-tranqualiser sized pill, eat some lunch, and do some work! Until tomorrow...

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