Thursday 15 January 2009

Day 14 - Plodding along

I'm writing this on Thursday for the run on Wednesday as I was busy yesterday and didn't have a chance to update the blog.

There's nothing particularly exciting about the run - it was a "maintenance" run to keep the mileage up and check to see how the shin was doing.

I would rate pain levels at about the same as Tuesday's run, but I forgot to put ibuprofen gel on until the point I left, so I guess that's not making a huge amount of difference during the run.

Pace was about 8m30/mile, distance was exactly 3 miles again. At least nothing is getting worse, but I'm starting to get fed up with the slowness - I want to run faster again, at least sometimes!

I did notice that running up the hill near the start I felt a bit more puffed out that previously, so I can't make any huge assumptions about fitness levels after 14 consecutive runs - what I mean is that I'm not finding everything really easy now!

It's suprising how far 3 miles can feel - I picked it as an easy distance, but on some days 2 miles in can feel like forever, and that last mile can drag and drag. It wasn't too bad for this run, but it's getting more frequent.

As I write this (on Thursday), I'm thinking about tonight's run - I'm running with my Thursday running partner Kev - I haven't seen him for a few weeks so it'll be nice to catch up. He's been warned that it's a 3 mile slow run (we normally do around 6 miles or a set of intervals), but I think it will take my mind of running/pain etc and I'm quite looking forward to it.

Will post something afterwards as to how it all went - fingers crossed the pain is diminishing even further. I need to do a bit of massage on both my calves before I go out - better get on with that now...

1 comment:

The doctor said...

Patience is a virtue, my boy