Thursday 1 January 2009

31 days of running: And so it begins...

Time: 20:14
Distance: 3.16mi
Time: 24:42 (7m49 average, mile (or part mile) times: 7m31, 8m13, 7m48, 7m27)

Morning heartrate: 64bpm

I write this having just got back from my first run of January 2009 - the first of 31 consecutive days running. I'd better explain...

I've been running for over 10 years on and off, and have done 2 marathons, several halfs and quite a few 10k's. I'd like to get comfortable at running under 7 minute miles, but at my best I've managed 5k at 7m01s/mile pace, and that nearly killed me! My problem is consistency, so I decided in December to run at least 3 miles every day in January as a kind of new years resolution, and also to kick start some decent training to get my speed up. Oh, and I decided to give up alcohol, cut out crap foods and do lots stretching as well!

So today it began. I wanted to use this blog as a diary to record my progress and thoughts about it. I use a Garmin Forerunner so I can get pretty accurate speed/distance/heart rate etc information about my runs, and I'll edits the posts when I've downloaded the info.

Today I just ran around a block from my house. I knew I had to run, but I didn't bother with it this morning as we were in a rush to get out to visit my mother. Then I didn't really drink very much, ate quite late and got back here knowing I had to run. And it was 1C outside - hooray! Having said that - the point of setting 3 miles every day was that I can more or less do that at the drop of a hat - I don't need to drink before, I could do it on a full stomach etc. I'm not saying that would be nice, but I could do it.

So I went out at about 8 o'clock. The first mile was lovely - felt absolutely great, and I looked at my Garmin after a few minutes and realised I'd done just under a mile at 7m10s/mile pace! Ooops - that wasn't going to hold. Throughout the runs, the downhills felts great (really, really good actually), and the uphills were hellish - really difficult. And I was getting a bit worn out by the end. But I still managed 7m50/mile average which is good, although the speed of any runs is irrelevant and if I go too fast it'll just make it more difficult the next day.

The last thing I'll write tonight is that I've remembered how nice it is to run in the cold winter evenings. I had Guns N' Roses (Chinese Democracy) quietly playing in my ears, and it was cold and really quite (being New Years day, I suppose). It was really peaceful, and great looking at all the Christmas lights still out.

Anyway, I'm off to have a shower and do some more stretches etc. Until tomorrow...

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