Wednesday 4 February 2009

No running!

I'm going a bit mad here! I haven't run since 31st January - not because I don't want to, but because it's a little impractical at the moment. I'm on my 4th day of not running, and trying to decide whether to go out at lunch time or not.

You see, I took Sunday (1st Feb) off - this was intentional, as I wanted a rest from the 31 days of running. Fine. Then it snowed - lots. I didn't go to work on Monday as I probably wouldn't have got home. The kids were off school, the roads and pavements were ridiculously covered and there was no chance of running, so I thought that I'd have 2 days off - no problem.

Then it snowed more on Monday night, and I woke on Tuesday to a proper white scene outside the door. Even less chance of running today, I thought! Still, never mind - it'll all be gone by tomorrow. After all, this is Southern England, and we don't get snow down here.

So, it's Wednesday today, and it hasn't snowed since last night. There is, however, a LOT of slush around and areas that haven't had a decent amount of sunshine are still covered - I'm looking into the car park at the moment and it's still 70% covered in slush and some of the cars still have snow on the roof.

So - do I risk it and go for a run? There's a fair probability that I'll end up slipping and injuring myself, which won't really do me any good. But then, it's been FOUR days, and I could do with running!

The alternative is to go out for a walk with my camera and see what I can find. I might do that, actually - it's still exercise, less risk of hurting myself etc. Another day shouldn't hurt... should it? It's supposed to snow again tonight, so it might be up to about 7 days of not running if I don't get out soon...

Might spend the time "off" planning the running I'm going to do in February - I want some structure to my schedule - including some longer runs (6+ miles) and definitely some intervals.

Still, on the press ups/sit ups/stretching front - I've started. Missed 1st and 2nd Feb, but did 30pu/30su yesterday (3rd). I've decided to allow myself to catch up - i.e. average 30/30/10min each day, but take it easy for the first week or so as my pecs are hurting today from the press ups yesterday! So, at least that's proceeding.

Hmmm. Will have to see what the weather brings...

1 comment:

The doctor said...

Off road shoes, a keen eye and a little slower pace make for a very entertaining run in snow. Much better grip on grass or off-road than on pavement/tarmac, and watch for hidden ice patches. Generally takes some practise, but it is a beautiful experience.